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Apr 28, 2010
Well done to all players, staff and supporters. long hard season that came good in the end.

Relax and enjoy the next 2 games and give us a taste of whats to come next season.

:nworthy: :clap: :nworthy: :clap:

Ben Gifford

Now we are safe I'd like to see some of the younger players get a chance in the next two games from the bench maybe. The likes of Lecointe, Sims, Copp etc.
Apr 4, 2010
We are staying up!!! :scarf:

Delighted to be able to finally say that as a true statement, it has been a long hard season from the pits of dispair to the formation of a competitive side that has now earnt its place in the Football League for another year. Where we will end up next year is yet to be seen but under Fletch we have done what many considered impossible, no matter what you thought of the team, Carl Fletcher or James Brent our position 9 games in looked hopeless we'd been shoved to our knee's by financial meltdown and kicked again and again by consecutive relegations to top it off we were 9 games into the season with just a point to our name. We sit here now having done it, we have achieved survival. I am delighted and I expect every other Argyle fan today feels the same way this is our moment that moment we have hoped, prayed and dreamed of having this year, let us enjoy our moment. When I started supporting Argyle I never expected to hear myself say this but I am delighted that we will be playing League 2 football next season :scarf:

Survival secured, next task: sign on "The Genius" Carl Fletcher :scarf:
Oct 5, 2003
A huge relief that we've escaped the unthinkable and here's to what will hopefully be a revival and a bright future for the club. Well done to everyone at the club, from top to bottom, for the loyalty shown and the commitment to the cause.
Aug 18, 2006
So pleased and relieved for every Green and everyone associated with our beautiful club . I soaked up every second of it today, really lived every moment. My chest is bursting with pride.


With two games to go n' all...

Too easy 'innit, this being green lark...

..Glory hunters, the lot of us.
Dec 3, 2005
Never in any doubt!!

Well done to all the players, management, supporters, club staff and Mr JB, THANK YOU :scarf: :scarf:
Dec 9, 2009
Oh Yes!!!

As good as winning the championship for me I'm afraid because at the beginning of December I did not believe :sad:

Mr Brent, Fletch, Ro, The coaching team, The squad, staff, and all the groups who pulled together I want to thank you all for an outstanding performance in the second half of the season and regain my pride in the Greens. A pride I thought I was losing until a memorable match with the fans reunited which lit that small glimmer of hope in my heart and the glimmer grew constantly.

Now where is Plymouth's finest falling down water I need to celebrate AND relax/

:stout: :stout: :stout: :stout: :stout: :stout: :stout: :stout: :stout: :stout: :stout: :stout: :stout: :stout: :stout: :stout: :stout:
LG":2v4qqu6x said:
I must admit to having a tear or two during the post match celebrations. (big old softie really)
To do it for Emma's first game and to see her enjoying herself in daddies arms as we celebrated after the final whistle is a moment i will always remember.
So, so proud of everyone connected with the club for an awesome effort in the greatest of escapes.
So proud to be a member of the wonderful green army.
Fortnight of celebrations start tonight (once the kids are in bed).
We're Plymouth Argyle....we always believe!!!!!
:thumbs: :nworthy: :scarf: :clap: :thumbup: :stout: :party: :razz: :-D :grin: :huddle: :-C :goal:

Paul, I'm man enough to say I had tears at the end too, all sorts of emotions to do with my health, Argyle's Great Escape part two and seeing the sheer pleasure on the faces of the playing squad and Management, a wonderful occasion.