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F1 2023

Aug 3, 2013
How much longer do we have to suffer with the Monaco car park procession. Even with a little rain and excitement for a few laps its just a very boring race IMO. I check the qualifying and then race results and thats it. Monaco needs ro change or be removed from the calendar in my eyes.


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✨Pasoti Donor✨
Sep 13, 2003
How much longer do we have to suffer with the Monaco car park procession. Even with a little rain and excitement for a few laps its just a very boring race IMO. I check the qualifying and then race results and thats it. Monaco needs ro change or be removed from the calendar in my eyes.
If you didn’t watch it, how do you know that it wasn’t worth watching?
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✨Pasoti Donor✨
Sep 13, 2003
You enjoyed a procession? ..
Monaco is an event for seeing and being seen but as for the racing ... that is terrible.
It’s live sport. It’s easy to say it’s boring after it’s finished, but you watch it to see what unfolds. I wouldn’t want a full season of races like Monaco, but as a one off where the drivers have to be top of their game and a slight lapse in concentration means you’re in the wall, I like it.
Oct 17, 2008
It’s live sport. It’s easy to say it’s boring after it’s finished, but you watch it to see what unfolds. I wouldn’t want a full season of races like Monaco, but as a one off where the drivers have to be top of their game and a slight lapse in concentration means you’re in the wall, I like it.
The thing is, its not a one off. Its in the F1 calendar every year and every year it is the same. It is renowned for being a procession where overtaking doesn't happen. Yes once in a blue moon something interesting happens but normally, nothing happens.

It should be dropped from the calendar or else the circuit should be extended to allow an overtaking zone to be created but as it stands, its just a festival for the rich and famous and the many millions who watch on TV can go hang ...


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✨Pasoti Donor✨
Sep 13, 2003
The thing is, its not a one off. Its in the F1 calendar every year and every year it is the same. It is renowned for being a procession where overtaking doesn't happen. Yes once in a blue moon something interesting happens but normally, nothing happens.

It should be dropped from the calendar or else the circuit should be extended to allow an overtaking zone to be created but as it stands, its just a festival for the rich and famous and the many millions who watch on TV can go hang ...
A one off race in a season, but I’m sure you know what I meant. There were a few overtakes yesterday and the driver skill was worth watching for me. If you don’t like it, fine, give it a miss. Indy 500 was on in the evening if you fancy watching that instead.
Oct 17, 2008
A one off race in a season, but I’m sure you know what I meant. There were a few overtakes yesterday and the driver skill was worth watching for me. If you don’t like it, fine, give it a miss. Indy 500 was on in the evening if you fancy watching that instead.
Please don't tell me what to watch. I watch F1, have done for decades and for decades, I have watched the Monaco grand prix procession. The F1 owners have also made the point that the race is lacking and have made comments that the race could be held every 2 years or the track needs improving. If you like it, then good for you and no doubt you will be happy for the status quo but I would like to see a race not a procession ...


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✨Pasoti Donor✨
Sep 13, 2003
Please don't tell me what to watch. I watch F1, have done for decades and for decades, I have watched the Monaco grand prix procession. The F1 owners have also made the point that the race is lacking and have made comments that the race could be held every 2 years or the track needs improving. If you like it, then good for you and no doubt you will be happy for the status quo but I would like to see a race not a procession ...
Alright, calm down. I wasn’t telling you what you can and can’t watch. There are plenty of people I know who look forward to Monaco weekend, me included.

If it’s overtaking you want to see, shall we also get rid of Hungary, Spain, Singapore and a few others? The lack of overtaking has been an issues since it became an aerodynamic formula. DRS has given more overtakes but there’s no skill in blasting past the opposition and being back on the racing line by the time you reach the braking zone.
Oct 17, 2008
I actually think that Monaco is good for the sport, it is quintessentially the spirit of F1, along with Ferrari and the UK teams but it needs to improve the experience. Gone are the days of 90mph cars and 5 minute pit stops and Monaco hasn't kept up to date. There was talk about extending the circuit by adding on a loop on reclaimed land. Its not pretty but would allow clear overtaking zones and would give the race back to the fans.

I think that all circuits should provide overtaking zones and if they don't, move on as there are plenty of circuits and countries around the world crying out for a GP. Saying that, I think 3 GP's in the USA is probably 2 too many.

DRS zones only assist the better car, which is why Max can fly past the second best car ... how is that good for the sport. DRS is supposed to make the race more exiting by allowing similar paced cars to overtake each other but actually it allows the fastest cars to be even faster.

Teams spending millions more than other teams ... how can that be good for the sport.

Its a bit like the Premier League ... money money money and foreign powers who doesn't care about the sport's history.

I will leave the solution to the clever folk but essentially there needs to be an element to showcase the best drivers, there needs to be an element to allow innovation, the circuits need to create jeopardy whilst allowing drivers to excel and the race for more and more money at the cost of the racing experience needs to be curtailed.
Aug 3, 2013
If you didn’t watch it, how do you know that it wasn’t worth watching?
I have watched plenty of Monaco races over the years and have found 99% of them very boring. Granted it is a test of the drivers skills but the drivers now adays are fantastic so less chance of major issues. Also the cars except red bull are pretty even so even less chances of over taking. They need to do something different, its just not a race i enjoy. Others like youself may enjoy it and thats your choice. For me its a race i miss out and just check the results.


Staff member
✨Pasoti Donor✨
Sep 13, 2003
I actually think that Monaco is good for the sport, it is quintessentially the spirit of F1, along with Ferrari and the UK teams but it needs to improve the experience. Gone are the days of 90mph cars and 5 minute pit stops and Monaco hasn't kept up to date. There was talk about extending the circuit by adding on a loop on reclaimed land. Its not pretty but would allow clear overtaking zones and would give the race back to the fans.

I think that all circuits should provide overtaking zones and if they don't, move on as there are plenty of circuits and countries around the world crying out for a GP. Saying that, I think 3 GP's in the USA is probably 2 too many.

DRS zones only assist the better car, which is why Max can fly past the second best car ... how is that good for the sport. DRS is supposed to make the race more exiting by allowing similar paced cars to overtake each other but actually it allows the fastest cars to be even faster.

Teams spending millions more than other teams ... how can that be good for the sport.

Its a bit like the Premier League ... money money money and foreign powers who doesn't care about the sport's history.

I will leave the solution to the clever folk but essentially there needs to be an element to showcase the best drivers, there needs to be an element to allow innovation, the circuits need to create jeopardy whilst allowing drivers to excel and the race for more and more money at the cost of the racing experience needs to be curtailed.
After heavily disagreeing, I don think we’re actually that far apart in our thinking.

Something I noticed this weekend, the run between Lowe’s and Portier has a large area behind the barriers, like there’s a square or a junction with another road. That’s a short section of track which could be opened up nice and wide to give more of a flow and also reduce the tightness of Portier and the run to the tunnel. Rascasse could be widened along with the first corner, where the pitlane can exit earlier (as it used to be). In essence, there is room to make the track more suitable to modern F1. That coupled with your idea of using reclaimed land.

Costs, I’d like to see all teams paid the same rather than a sliding scale depending on championship position. All teams provide the show so all should get equal payments. Racers are there to win and the trophy should be enough. The winning teams will command better sponsorship so the will still be a reason to be successful.

I’d also like to see reduction of practice for the top teams. Something along the lines of bottom 3 teams do first practice at a weekend, the next 4 join them for fp2 with the top three joining for Saturday morning. Yes, there is a sliding scale of wind tunnel and cfd usage with the lower teams getting the most development time and this could close the gap over the next few seasons as the restrictions filter through (let’s hope so), but more restrictions for top teams will help close the field (it seems to work in MotoGP where they have ‘concessions’ for lower teams).
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Jul 29, 2006
I love qualifying at Monaco but the race is so dull, even with the rain yesterday it wasn't a great race. I'm amazed that there isn't more pressure by Liberty to remove to race, they seem very money focused and I'm sure that Monaco don't even pay to host the race.

Sad thing is that it probably isn't even the worst street track on the calendar, the makers of the F1 game have released a video of the new Vegas track and that looks awful.

On the actual race itself, did Alonso/Aston chuck a win away?? I think they did but it seems to be very split.
Sep 13, 2003
The Pilgrim, the BBC have crunched the numbers and believe Alonso would have been comfortably ahead if he pitted for inters instead of medium. Hamilton gained 20 seconds on Verstappen in just 3 laps !

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