Underrated bands | Page 6 | PASOTI
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Underrated bands

Jul 15, 2006
Kenton, Devon
Julian Cope wrote two books - Japrocksampler and Krautrocksampler. If you've not read them, they are an excellent read.

I've been hunting for the latter for years - but copies are hard to come by ... and they're not cheap. But the interweb did allow me a few years ago to look up his recommendations which I've listened to.

I've only dipped into Japrock - I've listened to the likes of People, The Far East Family Band, Flower Travellin' Band and Acid Mothers Temple (or incarnations of that band) but not much more than that. Something I'll have to correct at some point in the not-so-distant future. At least Japrocksampler is easier to get hold of than Mr Cope's other work.
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Jul 22, 2013
I remember that song "Wake Up!" getting a lot of airplay at the time. It's the sort of thing they play all the time, Radio Breakfast show for a start. Giant Steps is a great album, especially Lazarus.
Before Wake Up! The Boo Radleys were more of a noise rock/shoegaze band, and their debut album 'Everything's Alright Forever', is wonderful. 'Giant Steps' got the acclaim from the indie press, but EAF was by far the better album for me.
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Jul 22, 2013
In answer to the original post, the fact that I have spent all of my life digging underground for quality shoegaze, post and psychedelic rock means that I never really expected any of the bands I like to be a commercial success as it is not music for the masses (an excellent album by Depeche Mode, of course). But if I was to pick one adored band who if I played a top 10 songs playlist to anyone and 80% of people would like it, I would also say Kitchens of Distinction. Brilliant songs, kaleidoscopic guitars, once described as sounding like a thousand chandeliers crashing to the ground.
Nov 4, 2021
I've been hunting for the latter for years - but copies are hard to come by ... and they're not cheap. But the interweb did allow me a few years ago to look up his recommendations which I've listened to.

I've only dipped into Japrock - I've listened to the likes of People, The Far East Family Band, Flower Travellin' Band and Acid Mothers Temple (or incarnations of that band) but not much more than that. Something I'll have to correct at some point in the not-so-distant future. At least Japrocksampler is easier to get hold of than Mr Cope's other
OOIOO and Boredoms are a good starting point.

Vision Creation Newsun and SuperAr are good starting points for Boredoms.
Yoshimi from the Boredoms has a side project called OOIOO who are pretty awesome as well.

The BBC doc on Krautrock is here:

Good to see so many greens appreciating Rother :)
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May 16, 2016
Already mentioned, but being reminded of
'The, The' and having had a birthday tipple, my mind went for a walk and memories of cassettes, Hillman Avengers and something about "didn't get up this morning cos I didn't go to bed....." made me think of groups I liked more for their albums than any chart success or one off hits, as they were usually unrepresentative of the rest of thier work

Supergrass.also been listed, but here's some off the top of my head - where did the years go - examples significant to me.

Aztec Camera
Everything but the Girl.
The Vapors
ABC / Human League- pre commercial success.
Joe Jackson + Band other than stuff that charted.
10cc, all albums up until the couple post split - leading onto Godley & Creme, but mainly 'Consequences' because it blew my teenage mind and made me listen to all of it in one go. Really hard to find all of it now.

I've never had all the 'go to' albums and must be one of the few ex servicemen that wasn't allowed to put his stuff on the mess sound system and never owned 'Bat out of Hell'.
Apr 16, 2016
ABC / Human League- pre commercial success.
Both these bands surfaced just prior to my years in Sheffield. You'd see Phil Oakey with that massive fringe on the Kop terrace at Hillsborough and the Human League girls would be out and about dancing in the Sheffield clubs ( not their strong point :) )
Those days seemed so much more accessible.
Then a few years later a salesman came to visit our house - forget what he was selling . He lived in Downderry - it was Martin Fry's dad who had moved down from Manchester.
Back to the music - yes early ( & later) Human League offerings were great - like 'Being Boiled'.
I loved Heaven 17's Penthouse and Pavement album too - also from Sheffield and other fine Sheffield bands were Clock DVA ( 4 hours is pretty special) and Cabaret Voltaire ( Nag Nag Nag a classic). They were reyt good times musically and other ways in that city.
Wednesday had Martin Hodge and Mark Smith as well as Newquay boy Chris Morris in their side.
I got coached by Mick Lyons, then playing for Wednesday, who repeatedly told us of his hatred of Emlyn Hughes.
Anyway, a very Happy Birthday, sir !
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A couple of more local ones...

I always thought the The Retreat were going to be massive. Lots of happy Sundays spent at The Cooperage in the early 90s watching them... but they never really got that much recognition outside of Devon and Cornwall.

And secondly, Sanguine (from Exeter). They had some success but never quite 'made it'. Two great albums, and undoubtedly one of the best live bands I've ever seen. If alt metal's your thing, check them out!

Jan 29, 2010
Anything by the incredibly talented Steven Wilson especially the stuff with Porcupine Tree, Fear of a Blank Planet is an amazing album
Sep 23, 2005
Anything by the incredibly talented Steven Wilson especially the stuff with Porcupine Tree, Fear of a Blank Planet is an amazing album
Awesome. Managed to see PT in Milan last year, excellent show. Fear of a Blank planet is superb, but I think Deadwing is my favourite album.


Dec 13, 2005
10 000 Maniacs. 1 top 20 album in the UK and did not trouble the top 40 singles charts here and only once in the US. In my Tribe is a superb album with Natalie Merchant's vocals and the content of the lyrics throughout.