Warnock on mutley plain @ 16:50 today | Page 3 | PASOTI
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Warnock on mutley plain @ 16:50 today

davie nine

Jan 23, 2015
I agree that we should not have Warnock back.

As with Holloway, his biggest asset was his ability to influence his team by his infectious enthusiasm and energy. I think that as they have both got older those assets have waned and become ineffective.

If Sheridan is off we must go for a younger, enthusiastic manager with some tactical nous.

On a different subject, whilst writing, what is the history behind your signature Greenskin?


davie nine":a31pmsow said:
I agree that we should not have Warnock back.

As with Holloway, his biggest asset was his ability to influence his team by his infectious enthusiasm and energy. I think that as they have both got older those assets have waned and become ineffective.

If Sheridan is off we must go for a younger, enthusiastic manager with some tactical nous.

On a different subject, whilst writing, what is the history behind your signature Greenskin?

It was put there at the height of the arguments about the HHP proposals. I vehemently disagreed with them and thought they would stifle Argyle's potential [sorry to use that word] for decades to come. Probably doesn't go down well with some and I can understand the loyalty to Mr Brent that people feel, given the circumstances that prevailed when he took over, but the future well being of PAFC is more important to me than anything else and the HHP proposals did not meet the criteria for an ambitious and healthy club IMHO.Credit where credit's due,it can't be denied that things have improved in many aspects both on and of the field since he became owner but how far the club can go under his direction remains to be seen-given the apparent failure of Mr Brent to deliver other non football related projects I remain cynical on the issue but hope that i'm well and truly wrong. We'll see.

davie nine

Jan 23, 2015
Thanks for your response. I certainly respect your views.

I, personally, think that he has done well so far and share your hope that he will continue with the steady on-field progress whilst persevering with efforts to build a new grandstand etc.

I would add that even though he originally admitted that he was not a football supporter he has attended most matches both home and away and has been prepared to mix with the Green Army and shown his support for PAFC.

At least we agree on the subject matter.

WARNOCK NOT IN (not a signature).
Oct 18, 2010
St Judes
No I don't want him in either I think he would be no better than Sheridan and would be easier to just things the way they are.

Plus as has been mentioned with all the money he spent we should have got the automatic so actually that season was a bit of a failure.

Gloucester Green

🎫 ST Donor 🎫
Sep 18, 2010
Bored of this Pro Warnock campaign ... we have ALL moved on ... Look what happened when Sturrock came back ...

IF Sheridan leaves then we should get some fresh young blood in and build for the future not live in the past
Jul 29, 2010
Gloucester Green":1bkg0de9 said:
Bored of this Pro Warnock campaign ... we have ALL moved on ... Look what happened when Sturrock came back ...

IF Sheridan leaves then we should get some fresh young blood in and build for the future not live in the past

And i'm a bit bored of the 'look at Luggy v2.0' thing too. Eddie Howe came back to Bournemouth, and that went reasonably well. Just because it didn't work for one individual does not mean exactly the same will happen with another. Different people, different circumstances. With the benefit of hindsight we can see that when Luggy came back we were already charging headlong over the financial cliff-edge. We don't have a huge pot of cash now but having hit rock bottom we're slowly clawing our way back.

If the speculation has any substance then we would be getting some fresh young blood in the dug-out anyway. Only with a canny old head and the mother of all contact books in the directors box and helping out on the training ground.

Best of both world's as I see it :thumbup:
Aug 8, 2013
Fair point X'y, certainly the "never go back" argument is a flawed one. Although I watched an interview on sky sports with Eddie Howe, he spoke about the vast differences between his first and second spell. Not just the resources available to bring in expensive players, but the investment in other areas such as training facilities - which he spoke highly of in terms of in terms of importance for success. Generally he was grateful of the work that had gone on at the club that meant he was in a position to deliver success; everything was conspiring to work for him, making his job as easy as possible. The question is, in relating this to Argyle, are we in a worse or better situation now than the previous time Warnock or Sturrock were here?


spowell92":uu5x3lxx said:
Fair point X'y, certainly the "never go back" argument is a flawed one. Although I watched an interview on sky sports with Eddie Howe, he spoke about the vast differences between his first and second spell. Not just the resources available to bring in expensive players, but the investment in other areas such as training facilities - which he spoke highly of in terms of in terms of importance for success. Generally he was grateful of the work that had gone on at the club that meant he was in a position to deliver success; everything was conspiring to work for him, making his job as easy as possible. The question is, in relating this to Argyle, are we in a worse or better situation now than the previous time Warnock or Sturrock were here?

No comparison. Warnock was bankrolled by the sale of the residue of Shiltons team-people like Castle, Swan,Dalton etc were still very much in demand at good prices in spite of the awful season that Argyle had just endured. Sturrock was backed by the new directorate to the extent that he was able to bring in people who were capable of playing at a far higher standard than the fourth division [Coughlin,Hodges,Evans,Hodges,Keith,Worrell etc] on decent money and contracts, i believe Nik Warren was a big player in providing significant funding to enable their recruitment.There was also a decent scouting system in place and finance to match which enabled people like Friio and Larrieu to be recruited via the trial system, which is slightly different from having to rely on the managers brother or struggling to send the youth team to a competition in Ireland without having to go cap in hand to supporters. Warnock has always been a number one and he would not take easily to a role in which part of his job description apparently would be to mentor someone who he may not even want in his coaching team. He would look after his own interests and reputation first and he can't be blamed for that-the prospect of trying to mould a team on a comparatively mediocre budget would doubtless appeal somewhat less than the situation which prevailed in 1996.
Aug 8, 2013
Well said Greenskin, clearly issues still lie beyond the manager. Doesn't matter who the manager is, the foundations for success have not been laid out by the custodians of our club. Somewhat understandable given recent circumstances, but is there any plan to remedy this? Not that I'm aware of...