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Nov 29, 2012
Haha, I'm just trying to prove mate that not all you see on Pasoti is the truth!

I'm not accusing RWW of lieing by the way, I'm saying that rumours carry a life of their own.

As for JB not being a football fan I can honestly say that is not the case, he knows way more than I do about the division we play in.
Aug 17, 2011
Kings Tamerton
I'm glad the BC thing is cleared up, thought I needed to up my meds.

It's been a while now since JB rescued us and for that I am extremely grateful. He has to my mind been completely honest in that he did say the club would have to be self sustaining and has worked very hard in making that a possibility. His management of the post administration period and his ability to improve the financial position will I hope reap benefits in the future. I've never believed it was his responsibility and his alone to secure the new grandstand so if that fails it won't be his burden to bare alone either.

My worry about this rumour is that the club will be left without a leader or with a leader whose heart is no longer with us and with no-one else even remotely interested in owning the club, where would we go from here if true?


Nov 29, 2012
Your last two words are the most salient Ade.


I think it is fairly well know that Mr Brent has entertained an offer for the club.

Sadly my relative was quoted a farcical price that implies he doesn't want to sell

Mr Brent would ensure a 3800 stand and facilities would be built provided the club was bought for 2.5 million. HHP would not be part of the deal.

Time for a bit of hibernation for a while as I'm sure to have upset some self important people.


Nov 29, 2012
So just for the record RWW, you're claiming that Peter Jones has told you that JB had offer to resign from the board and a rellie of yours has made an offer for the club?

Interesting times IF true.

As for the self important, I personally think that people that start rumours often fall into that category, it seems to be a power thing.


No. Buying party is a relative of mine. Not interested at that price but lifelong fan.

Won't post again as don't want to be centre of attention.


Nov 29, 2012
I'm still confused RWW, what's the difference between 'buying party' and 'making an offer'?

Or was it my term of 'relle' (aka relative) that confused the issue.
Mar 14, 2009
IF, and not for one second do I believe it, he has offered to resign does this not smack of throwing your toys out of the pram because you aren't getting your own way.

I thought the release of that statement was badly worded. It came across as an ultimatum that if the council don't do what I ask then Argyle have a very bleak future.

Now, from my point of view the council are bending over backwards at times when quite frankly they have a responsibility to the city and the people and not just the football club.

It seems from my point of view, from the outside that Brent is a nice guy. A man great at PR. Yet he has no significant money whatsoever and is trying to get everything done for next to nothing by other sources. He has no PLAN B and it seems like its his way without much room for scope.

I have friends in the council and from what I have heard during meetings with him its become ridiculous about how far apart they see things. From what I was told the council wont be backing down this time for Mr Brent so looks like its a stale-mate or from what we are seeing more like that Argyle are hopelessly out of their depth. With this project its seems that basically we are relying on the council to stop other projects where the city needs redevelopment in order that Argyle and Brent don't face competition.

Brent wants it on the cheap. Then walk away with a tidy profit. At first I thought given the circumstances where he saved us I was grateful and would support most ideas he had to improve Argyle. I would be happy that given how he saved us from the brink of collapse that he could implement his plans and walk off with his profit. Yet now after listening to the way we are going about things I am getting more annoyed & worried. Its seems like we have met another businessman who doesn't have the necessary vision to take us forward.

What totally dumbfounds me is all these rich chairman who rather have a slice of a club like Bournemouth, for example, when Argyle face no competition whatsoever and with better marketing could make more money for these people. Instead we even up with business people who don't seem to understand that in order to make money you have to spend a lot of money (in the footballing world) to make it a success.


Nov 29, 2012
All I would say MGM is if the Landlord (PCC) were to (say) spend Β£15m on a decent Grandstand, and rentalise that Β£15m across a prolonged lease, say 50 years, and charge a decent percentage on top of the rent, it would be the gift that keep on giving, i.e the taxpayers would have decent return and the CITY'S football club would possibly continue and thrive.

I see that as a win win as an Argyle fan and a rates paying Plymothian.

I thought at one stage, with all the leaks from the council that were going on, that this was the case but it seems not now.


Does anyone remember the details of the HHP sale? Specifically around the agreement to give Argyle 50% of the uplift in land value should a grandstand not be delivered? Was there a time limit on this? What would happen if JB sold an undeveloped HHP to another developer for a small profit? Would we only get 50% of this profit whilst freeing the new developer from any further obligations to Argyle?


πŸ‡°πŸ‡ͺ Welicar Donor
✨Pasoti Donor✨
Feb 24, 2007
Doesn't look good.

Problem after problem and we don't seem to be getting anywhere near the scaled down plans.