Football crowds coming back? (October. Update - paused) | Page 7 | PASOTI
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Football crowds coming back? (October. Update - paused)

Feb 8, 2009
warney":9ikdp9g9 said:
This is why I don't think we'll see any fans returning any time soon. If so many people are acting so irresponsibly day to day how can they be trusted to do so on entering a football ground? I guess an argument would be that strict stewarding and policing could force fans to maintain proper procedures and distancing.
But it'll all be irrelevant anyway as there's bound to be a second wave due to the huge number of numpties who can't differentiate between a relaxing of rules and no rules at all. From the moment Johnson stood up and said "we must rely on the British public to use their common sense" it was obvious we were f****d!

I can't help but agree 100% a sad day for the country and for the prospect of crowds at football games.
May 27, 2019
Looking at the cleverly telephoto'd shots of a Bournemouth beach which made it look more crowded than it actually was, I knew that the media were over exaggerating the beach presence. The overhead shots revealed areas of open sand and I can tell you as a former resident of Bournemouth that I have seen that beach far more crowded than yesterday, on many occasions. Time’s when there was barely a square foot of space between the sunbathers.

Yes, there were major issues due to indiscriminate parking and lack of facilities, but I think it’s a bit OTT to describe this as a sad day for our country. Have there been any reports of infection spikes following the many protest marches in London, Bristol and elsewhere in the last few weeks? Time will tell.

Whatever one might think of those people who flocked to the coast yesterday for an afternoon in the open air where sea breezes would reduce the risk of cross-infection, we shouldn’t over react. Local authorities need to get their acts together, opening car parks and public toilets and ensuring adequate rubbish collection. Just as in the protests, there will be a minority who will behave irresponsibly but early indications are that these mass gatherings haven’t had any significant effect on the infection rate.

As football fans desperate to get back to watching our beloved sport, we might end up being glad of it, because if the infection rate continues to fall, it may just lead to our authorities deciding that sport in open air stadiums can be safely opened to the public without social distancing at all, some time this year. All of these families with their kids at the beaches, somehow make the fact that many of our schools are still closed, look faintly ridiculous.

davie nine

Jan 23, 2015
Devongreenowl":3vu90gl4 said:
Have there been any reports of infection spikes following the many protest marches in London, Bristol and elsewhere in the last few weeks? Time will tell.
Just as in the protests, there will be a minority who will behave irresponsibly but early indications are that these mass gatherings haven’t had any significant effect on the infection rate.
There doesn't seem to have been any reports of spikes in Covid 19 cases in the last few weeks when these mass gatherings have happened. I would have thought that, if there was clear evidence that cases had increased in certain areas, the Government would have been quick to identify and publicise it to demonstrate the negative results of this irresponsible behaviour. The only reporting I have seen was around Weston super Mare.
Nov 2, 2004
Regardless of covid the behaviour on the Barbican and the hoe has been disgraceful.On Wednesday I walked my dog around the Barbican and there were large groups of aggressive drunks behaving really badly .they were also chucking all of there rubbish into the harbour which looked like a floating rubbish dump.This was at about 6pm god knows what it was like later on.On the Hoe there were smashed beer bottles and rubbish everywhere and just to top it off they sprayed paint over the new Lady Astor statue.
If the poor old Police try to intervene they just get abused and assaulted or The Guardian making comparisons with the Stazi. Hopefully the pandemic is in complete retreat and non of this matters
May 27, 2019
Yes, totally agree that the behaviour of some is actually appalling regardless of Covid. The amount of rubbish left on Bournemouth beach was absolutely unbelievable. No sign of people worrying about plastic pollution there! Few of them seem to have thought of taking their rubbish home with them.

The media focus on potential unrest in this country, will undoubtedly lead to … just that. And of course, the cops will get the blame as always. They will either get the blame for not doing enough, or doing too much. Total lose lose situation for them sadly.
May 27, 2019
That’s the spirit!!

Meanwhile in this morning's Telegraph -


THE rate of Covid-19 cases in England has dropped almost 40 per cent in the past week, according to official figures published last night.
Apr 20, 2004
BG has a point, though. Owl seems to be a Covid denier! ;)

Personally, I doubt we'll see any fans back in football grounds until well into next season. Unless the country wide R rate is pretty much zero, or we have an effective and proven vaccine, there's no way large scale gatherings should be allowed. The former is possible in a few months, the latter very unlikely for some time.
May 27, 2019
ealinggreen":k4usns3f said:
Owl you seem to have acquired a stalker.

I know Ealing. There’s something slightly creepy and desperate about his posts. I’m only reporting ACTUAL statistics that’s all. I’ve decided never to reply directly to him/her because it annoys her/him even more.