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Brent criticised for not starting different building project

Mark Pedlar

Staff member
✨Pasoti Donor✨
Jul 28, 2010
The Grumpy Loyal":37moix5g said:
Pafcintheplace":37moix5g said:
Looks like Brent and his followers are taking 'one HELL of a beating' atm :-D

Joking aside, what is happening now is that a lot of those who would have blindly followed Brent off the edge of a cliff are at last realising the seriousness and nature of a situation some of us had grave concerns about for the last 2 years.

Better late than never I guess.


Cobi Budge.

There are still people that will blindly follow Brent over the edge of a cliff because he saved the club, but thankfully most are waking up.

I'm 90% sure the project won't start, not under Brent anyway, and from speaking to a few people at the club, they certainly doubt it'll start this season at least.

It is worrying, there are dark times to come, again.

But any criticism of Brent on here is shot down as trolling and 'hating' Brent.
Mar 8, 2011
Cobi Budge.":1jtqi5pz said:
There are still people that will blindly follow Brent over the edge of a cliff because he saved the club, but thankfully most are waking up.

I'm 90% sure the project won't start, not under Brent anyway, and from speaking to a few people at the club, they certainly doubt it'll start this season at least.

It is worrying, there are dark times to come, again.

But any criticism of Brent on here is shot down as trolling and 'hating' Brent.

Christ if you dare say anything anti about the chairman/owner or Sheridan the 5 happy clappy green tints in the middle of block 3 are soon to shoot you down :facepalm:
Aug 8, 2013
Ollieargyle9":19celm8m said:
Don't_Panic":19celm8m said:
Is it that or is it some people have better things to do with their time then repeatedly post the same comments over & over again, this is not to say people shouldn't be concerned if there is infact something to be concerned over but don't assume that just because some of us don't spend all our time posting on here that we have all of a sudden woken up to the fact that Brent is the antichrist and are panicking over no news.

And that's the key point here, there is no real news here :facepalm:

Just as some remain skeptical regarding the project until the bulldozers come in, many of us find it hard to write the project off entirely based on a story that has almost nothing to do with Argyle or HHP itself. Of course it raises concerns but it tells us nothing we didn't already know. All this story seems to have done is open the door for the usual suspects to offer up the same doom and gloom comments they made a few months ago.

The lack of news regarding HHP and the lack of action in all of Brent's developments is rather telling however IMO, Ollie. You say it's a story that has almost nothing to do with HHP, but I'd say it has absolutely something. The silence is deafening.

Unfortunately Brent's plan to pay off the balloon payment doesn't appear to be coming to fruition - although I am personally torn and simultaneously relieved somewhat that the project in it's current prospective form is looking unlikely, however while the club is seemingly dependent on it's success as a project it is absolutely worrying also. When the options are bad or worse, it's difficult to support the plan. I can only find optimism in the hope that a plan-B is being worked upon that keeps the club afloat without damning it's competitive future.


Nov 29, 2012
The problem is Sam, the regurgitation of the same debate pees a lot of Pasoti readers off.

No matter how many times the same people attempt to bring it up an equal amount of people want to to voice an option of utter boredom at the subject being bought up again in a re-hashed format.

You'd be nuts not to be concerned as an Argyle fan but the delight at which some people take in the hiatus is a point of annoyance to some of us, myself very much included.

The bullet loaders and the doom mongers plus the anti Brent brigade claim the want a debate but they then gut sulky when people counter them, even by claiming that the site is biased.

It's a sad day when I can't voice MY opinion because others don't agree with what I am saying.

Debate? My arse, they want everyone to agree with what they are saying.

That's fair is it?

Cobi Budge.

I'm simply worried about the future of the club, it doesn't look good, that is in no way 'hating' James Brent.

If you criticise our lord and master Mr Brent, then you might as well be an Exeter fan, especially (as Steve says) in Block 3, I thought this was perfectly demonstrated when Brent walked out to present the POTY awards and recieved a reception that even the players wouldn't get.

I do not hate Brent, but since saving us, I fail to see what he's done apart from chop and change his project and consistently delay it?

These are genuine concerns shared by many fans but there seems to be an attitude of "shut up and wait for Mr Brent to next update us, don't challenge him".
May 22, 2006
IJN":14gjd0z3 said:
The problem is Sam, the regurgitation of the same debate pees a lot of Pasoti readers off.


It's a serious issue and there's a vacuum of information. Of course people are going to tread the same old ground. There's also a whole load of other threads (and even other boards) that people could read if they're sick of this. No-one's forcing them clockwork orange style to read this.

If you're bored / peed off then go outside, read a book, have sex, hang out with some friends, anything. It's a lovely day, there's millions of possibilities. It's nobody else's job to entertain you.
Aug 8, 2013
I don't think that's a wholly unfair assessment Ian. I think there are individuals from both sides who are guilty of what you speak of however, there's a great deal of pettiness displayed from many - probably myself included at some points, we can all get frustrated. I tend to try and just gloss over the crap, from both camps, and read the points being made in between. I don't see the point in nullifying a debate as regurgitated or boring, nor do I understand the glee shown by some for feeling they chose the "correct side" from the off. But I guess they're as fair a point to make as the other, not that I agree with either.

At the end of the day, I'd say the majority of us forum lurkers are overly opinionated plonkers and we'll all continue to shout them out (metaphorically, of course) across a keyboard. Opinions are like donut, everybody's got one; I just can't help that mine is right ;)


Nov 29, 2012
No there's not Cobi, that's your perception.

What IS being said I'd 'yes most of us agree' but FFS stop saying it.

If people what to continue raking up the same old thing then fine, but do not expect a clear run on this site.

A hell of a lot people I know, as I have said previously, regard this site to be full of moaners.

I don't agree with that but I can certainly see why they'd think that.

Repeating the same thing over and over again does not make it more factual. A concept I believe a few people find hard to comprehend.

Cobi Budge.

Ian I'm not defending saying the same thing over and over again, I'm just defending those, like myself who have genuine concerns against those who will jump all over them if they happen to criticise the chairman.

Mark Pedlar

Staff member
✨Pasoti Donor✨
Jul 28, 2010
This site has never had a problem criticising anyone. What posters always have trouble with (whatever side of whichever debate they are joining) is that they may just be in the minority and that there is a conspiracy to cover up those views. Sometimes people may hold a view which is a minority view and then feel hard done by when others jump up and down all over it.


Site Owner
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Oct 31, 2010
Pasties and Cider":221yxc0e said:
This site has never had a problem criticising anyone. What posters always have trouble with (whatever side of whichever debate they are joining) is that they may just be in the minority and that there is a conspiracy to cover up those views. Sometimes people may hold a view which is a minority view and then feel hard done by when others jump up and down all over it.

Exactly and perfectly illustrated in the first page of this thread where a few light hearted comments in the vein of "here we go again" was mistaken as a cover-up or smokescreen in defence of the HHP development/grandstand. It wasn't!
People can have their say on Pasoti about the grandstand and they have - over and over - thread after thread - without any moderation, except when a PM was mistakenly posted on a thread, the Mods quickly removed that to save the poster's embarrassment.

It's a myth that posters can't be anti-James Brent or anti-grandstand on Pasoti, if anything it's the other way with posters who want to support James Brent and the grandstand now getting rounded on and ridiculed.

Personally, I trust James Brent to do what is right for PAFC.

Cobi Budge.

Can I ask why? Not a dig, a genuine question.

He's a businessmen, nothing more, he's not a football fan, he didn't come in to the club because he felt sorry for myself and others sleeping outside Home Park, he came in because he spotted £ signs. Don't get me wrong, I'm very grateful to him for saving the club. However, I highly doubt Brent would "do what is best for PAFC" if it meant him losing money.


Nov 29, 2012
Andrew Owen":1pmij0w4 said:
IJN":1pmij0w4 said:
The problem is Sam, the regurgitation of the same debate pees a lot of Pasoti readers off.


It's a serious issue and there's a vacuum of information. Of course people are going to tread the same old ground. There's also a whole load of other threads (and even other boards) that people could read if they're sick of this. No-one's forcing them clockwork orange style to read this.

If you're bored / pi$$ed off then go outside, read a book, have sex, hang out with some friends, anything. It's a lovely day, there's millions of possibilities. It's nobody else's job to entertain you.

Thanks for the advice Andrew, always appreciated.

PS, you haven't got to be indoors to post. :thumbs:


Nov 29, 2012
Steve.PAFC2012":3l9e61d0 said:
Cobi Budge.":3l9e61d0 said:
There are still people that will blindly follow Brent over the edge of a cliff because he saved the club, but thankfully most are waking up.

I'm 90% sure the project won't start, not under Brent anyway, and from speaking to a few people at the club, they certainly doubt it'll start this season at least.

It is worrying, there are dark times to come, again.

But any criticism of Brent on here is shot down as trolling and 'hating' Brent.

Christ if you dare say anything anti about the chairman/owner or Sheridan the 5 happy clappy green tints in the middle of block 3 are soon to shoot you down :facepalm:

You see, that's the power of democracy, you do what you want and they do what they want, what other way is there?