The true sizes of countries | PASOTI
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The true sizes of countries

Dec 30, 2004
Thinking of the many countries involved in the Euros and Copa America reminded me of a great website I came across a while back - it's a real eye-opener. allows you to drag any country to a different part of the globe, as represented by the two-dimensional Mercator Projection world map we're all so familiar with. This projection notoriously produces huge distortions in the latitudes as they approach the poles, most obviously in the northern hemisphere as that's where most of the land is.

For instance, Greenland, being close the the North Pole, always looks enormous but in reality it's only about 30% the size of Australia - and is actually smaller than Algeria, which is much nearer the Equator where the distortion is far less pronounced. And try dragging the UK to the Equator to see how tiny it really is! (Same size as Uganda.)

Hours of educational fun for all the family, ages 5 to 105.
I find maps and comparisons fascinating. I have an outline map of Australia showing how the whole of Europe fits neatly into it, with Dublin just above Perth, and Romania just below Sidney. My Swedish grandsons regularly tell me that if you tipped Sweden up on to its bottom edge, then laid it flat in the opposite direction, the top of Sweden would reach Milan.
Sep 23, 2005
Yes, it is all very fascinating!
I also find it interesting that the south west coast of Norway is roughly due north of Amsterdam, while the north eastern part is further east than Istanbul.

The Doctor

✨Pasoti Donor✨
Sep 15, 2003
This has nothing to do with country sizes but anyone who likes playing around with maps will probably love this website. It shows two map/satellite views of the same area side-by-side. You can select which map representations you want (e.g. modern satellite pic v late-Victorian OS map) and then you can scroll around and zoom in/out. It's fascinating to see how different bits of Plymouth (or elsewhere) have changed over the years...
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