Just a thought for Brum fans. | Page 4 | PASOTI
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Just a thought for Brum fans.

Monster Green

Auction Winner 👨‍⚖️
Jan 12, 2007
While we all savour the joy and, dare I say, relief at staying up by the skin of our teeth, spare a thought for the Birmingham fans who, like us, have endured a torrid time since a significant change of manager.
That moron who decided to replace John Eustace with a 'name' is the only reason for their relegation.

Great fans of a great club being ruined by a tool.
Sorry for the fans. It's a dog eat dog world, so I'm not that fussed really. We did what we had to do. Now let's move forward

Belfast Green

🎫 ST Donor 🎫
Jun 23, 2017
Villa fans being very sympathetic to the “web-footed molestors”. Not 😂😂
Jun 27, 2019
Zero sympathy. They've been stinking the Championship out for years so good riddance to bad rubbish.

Enjoy Sid James Park!
Jan 4, 2005
I am told by my Norwich supporting mate, who was listening to the Birmingham v Norwich game on his radio, whilst on holiday in St Ives, that the crowd sound level from St Andrews became very funereal after Argyle scored their goal. I was delighted.
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Reactions: Keith Whitfield
Mar 30, 2024
Birmingham City are obviously a big club with excellent fans; but not so the ownership it would seem. It was inexplicable for them to sack the manager and replace him with a virtually untried (albeit famous) rookie; when the team was 6th in the league and indeed playing well. However, I'm sure they'll be back sooner rather than later.

The Doctor

✨Pasoti Donor✨
Sep 15, 2003
The really funny thing is that having done their part today by winning their game they might reasonably have expected Argyle not to win but would even more reasonably expected Leicester to celebrate their league triumph with a comfortable home win against Blackburn Rovers. If that had happened, it would have been Blackburn relegated on goal difference (which with a defeat would have been worse that Birmingham’s). But somehow Blackburn went to Leicester and won - they must have a hell of a manager to lead them to that kind of result… step forward John Eustace, the man who was sacked by Birmingham when they were (I think) sitting in 6th place in the Championship table. You couldn’t make it up!


Jun 10, 2006
Raleigh, North Carolina
Birmingham City are obviously a big club with excellent fans; but not so the ownership it would seem. It was inexplicable for them to sack the manager and replace him with a virtually untried (albeit famous) rookie; when the team was 6th in the league and indeed playing well. However, I'm sure they'll be back sooner rather than later.
Don’t knock their owners. Salt of the earth. Without them we’d be looking forward to L1.