I'm sure it's good but way too late for me now I think. I must have hundreds of passwords by now including all my work stuff. The most annoying is when you don't even know you had a password already. I tried to do click-and- collect from Screwfix recently just for some bleddy Jubilee clips only to be told "that email already exists" .... then forced to go thru the dance of guessing passwords, giving up, getting a reset email, then 'changing' the password that I'll forget again in a few years I next want something trivial ... FFS!!.....Bitwarden - nuff said - free
Dont get me started on the complications of half-forgotten family stuff either. My daughter's learner-driver car insurance for example .... Now did I do that with her email or mine? Then again the car she's learning on is in my wife's name - so maybe it was in her name and on her insurance? .... But wait - I cleverly saved all that info somewhere but being security minded I saved it with some indirect 'clues' so nobody but me could possibly guess it ..... Except even when I eventually find it I'm buggered if I can now guess it either! FFS!!!!!!
So please - just inject me with the ID chip now!!