Hi unhinched .... I shall try treading very carefully here lest we stray into anything too contentious and understandably spook the mods or in any way offend anybody's beliefs......A good question is 'what was before the big bang ' ?
Dawkins just showed his limitations ( again) by telling Piers Morgan that such a question "cannot be asked" !
"There is no 'before the big bang' " he claims ..." Time itself began at the Big bang", he claims.
Or rather he refuses to put his own name to those answers, but rather gets out of it by saying " this is what physicists would tell us"
On questioning the possible lack of logic in these 'answers' , with physics meant to be logical, Dawkins weakly offers : "Modern physics is exceedingly mysterious " .. " it's very difficult to understand "... and so on.
If he's right , it sounds like a weird cult of intellectualism to me.
Save your grandchildren from it Mervyn !!!
But to say you cannot sensibly ask the question what came before the Big Bang is no more unreasonable than saying you cannot ask what came before God or any other supernatural creator. The whole point is that time itself began with the Big Bang so by definition there was no 'before'. Presumably you or anyone who believes in a supernatural creator would say God exists outside of time as he created it and hence you cannot sensibly ask where did God come from or what existed before Him? It's no different.
The remarkable thing that we humans cannot really comprehend although it is demonstrably a 100% cast-iron fact is that time doesn't pass equably the way we perceive it. There is no such thing as a universal time which is something that Einstein predicted and was later proven beyond all doubt. Time itself passes at a different rate for the satellites that send our GPS signals to Earth and we have to correct for that fact - our SatNavs simply wouldn't work without doing so and Einstein's equations tell us how much we must correct for that truly astonishing fact. Even more mind bending is that we can see matter falling into black holes across the universe accelerated to near light speeds to vanish forever in an instant (for it) - yet we see it apparently frozen in time on the edge of the event horizon because our time is flowing at a different rate. Wow!